High School Programs
Inspiring Success Through Knowledge
At East Palo Alto Academy (EPAA) the East Palo Alto Academy Foundation (EPAAF) offers a suite of high school programs that help prepare students for college or vocational training. From their first day at EPAA, students have access to services that prepare them for the academic, financial, and social-emotional rigors of higher education.
Through dual-enrollment coursework, first-generation students can experience the rigor of college-level academic courses to facilitate the transition from high school to college. They learn to communicate with professors, earn tuition-free college credits, and explore career pathways. Classes are held on campus at East Palo Alto Academy, taught by college professors. According to students, this program empowers them to thrive once they get to college.
Intended to demystify the college process, Senior Seminar supports our first-generation seniors to confidently navigate their journey to higher education. We offer step-by-step assistance to identify suitable schools and programs, understand financial aid resources, write personal statements, get recommendation letters, prepare for scholarship interviews, and explore majors and career pathways.
The College and Career Center is our campus hub for enrichment, internships, community service, and postsecondary opportunities. Our College Information Specialist connects students to these resources, and organizes college and program representative visits, fairs, field trips, and financial aid workshops, ensuring access to a wide range of growth and success opportunities.
We help first-generation families understand the options after high school, including the US college system, and empower them to support their children. With our Bilingual Parent Liaison, we host the Parent University program to guide parents in navigating the college and career process and help with academic and social-emotional well-being.
EPAAF ensures a holistic approach to education by supporting athletics, arts, and cultural celebrations. We provide equipment and transportation for athletes and support music, art, and dance performances at our yearly Cultural Celebrations, honoring our diverse student body.
The Dream Lab Makerspace is a collaborative space where students engage in experiential learning, boost college and career readiness, and create projects with state-of-the-art tools. Combining skills-based instruction with a project-based curriculum, the Dream Lab empowers students to bring their ideas to life. Students are empowered to design and build, creating a positive impact on their lives, their community, and the global society. EPAA's Engineering Technology CTE Pathway allows students to earn dual-enrollment credit with Foothill College, preparing them for engineering careers.
Dream Lab Student Awards:
2018: GlowVis, a digitally enhanced cane for the visually impaired
2019: UltraDot, a proximity-sensing sign for accessible parking
2020: SOAR, a virtual reality project for social-emotional learning
EPAAF supports EPAA’s mission to create a safe, healthy, and connected environment for students by addressing their comprehensive needs with these services.
Mental Health: The EPAA team, including Stanford Psychiatry interns, offers individual counseling, group therapy, and workshops on topics like Healthy Relationships and Breaking Free from Depression.
Lucille Packard Health Van: Biweekly visits provide physical exams, injury treatment, and nutritional counseling during school hours.
Restorative Justice: Partnering with Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center, our coordinator conducts mediations, facilitates conversations, and hosts workshops, teaching vital communication and conflict resolution skills.
This holistic approach fosters a supportive learning community.